<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right_blue.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right_blue.svg" width="40px" /> This proposal is an application to work with dYdX as per the RFP grant mentioned here: https://www.dydxgrants.com/discover-initiatives
We’re excited to propose a research partnership with dYdX to examine any of the following three topics:
1. [SELECTED AS FOCUS BASED ON CONVO WITH YANG] Order book manipulation and market-maker / validator collusion: Identify and prevent different forms of orderbook manipulation and explore how to limit potential user harms and validator centralization
[DEPRIORITIZED] 2. Liquidation and oracle MEV: Explore mechanisms to create healthy competition for efficient liquidations that prevent spam and produce additional protocol revenue
****[DEPRIORITIZED] ****3. Cross-chain / Cross-domain MEV: Identity potential risks / opportunities created by IBC and cross-chain MEV